The world is an amazing place with breathtaking scenery all around. Humans, animals, nature, beautiful villages, high-rise buildings, and many other things fill this beautiful world. We, the human species, have come so far to make this world what it is right now. Today the world is fast-paced with emerging elements like connectivity, technological innovation, a fast-growing economy, better health care, education, an industry revolution, agriculture, and a plethora of diversification. The most significant thing that is changing the world and revolutionizing it is technology and social media. The world is at the pinnacle of breathtaking wonder, thanks to many eminences of technological innovation.
So how can we define technology and social media? Technology is a combination of scientific knowledge to provide practical aims for human life, and social media refers to interactive media technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, opinions, ideas, and interests through virtual communities and networks. Both are related to each other because social media is part of technology, and technology gives social media a power boost. Both technology and social media bring tremendous change to our lives and to the global perspective as well.
On the basis of some emerging elements like connectivity, technological innovation, a fast-growing economy, better health care, education, an industry revolution, agriculture, and a plethora of diversification, which were mentioned in the introduction, these things are really having an impact because of the technological advancement that is surely changing the world.
For instance, if we think about connectivity, who could have even imagined back in the old days that with just a click of a finger the whole world would be on one platform like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media? We can now share our views and opinions, discuss it on various social media platforms, and every person in the world who is using it can have a look into it and express their opinion too by commenting, posting, sharing videos, and other ways as well. Interesting fact: 59% of the world’s population uses social media.
From this point of view, we can understand the global impact of social media around us. In terms of a fast-paced economy, we are currently experiencing the highest level of economic development ever. There is no doubt that technology is the primary driving force behind economic growth in nations, regions, and cities. By improving technology, more and better goods and services can be produced more efficiently, which is what makes a country prosperous. One of the most important needs for us is better healthcare, which has developed a lot because of the advancement of technological stuff. With advancements in digital healthcare technologies such as AI, 3D printing, VR/AR, nanotechnology, and robots, the future of medicine is taking shape right before our eyes. We must become familiar with the most recent inventions in order to handle technological control, not the other way around. The future of medicine lies in collaborating with technology and clinicians to embrace changes in the healthcare environment, allowing us to remain relevant for years to come.
We know that education is the backbone of a nation and is part of the foundation of all progress and growth, both as an individual and as a society. The learning style of education has moved in an outstanding manner because of technology, which enables new methods of learning, communicating, and working collaboratively. Technology is beginning to redefine the roles of instructors and students. The instructor is the major source of knowledge in the typical classroom, and students passively receive it. Because of Google and the Internet, as well as the educational opportunities that technology has enabled, we see the teacher’s role shifting to that of a “guide on the side”. Students are becoming more responsible for their own learning in many classrooms today by using technology to gather relevant information. Today, we can easily gather any knowledge and topic by searching its name on Google, YouTube, and several online forums; we can even get a certificate or degree from online learning websites like: Udemy, Coursera, EDX, and many more on a particular topic that we are interested in knowing.
On this basis, we can speak of the edtech industry, which plays an important role in this evolution of education through the collaboration of technology. It basically refers to hardware and software that are meant to improve student education results by enhancing learning in classrooms. It is still in its early phases of development, but it shows promise as a technique for tailoring a curriculum to a student’s skill level by presenting and reinforcing new knowledge at a student- friendly pace. The following change that was discussed on the evolution of education based on technological advancement is happening because of edtech, and we are just at the beginning of it and looking forward to seeing it.
The industrial revolution back in the 18th century changed the whole industrial landscape forever, and today we are seeing its fourth phase with the massive availability of digital technology resulting from the previous revolution. The integration of digital, biological, and physical advancements will fuel the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Several new industries have launched because of technological introductions like artificial intelligence, the internet of things, block chain technology, 5G technologies, cryptography, and many more. Food is our basic need, but where can we get it? Answer is from agriculture and the finest food we are getting from the farmers. Robotics, temperature and moisture sensors, satellite images, and GPS technology are all frequently used in modern agriculture.
Thanks to these cutting-edge equipment, robotic systems, and sustainable agricultural technologies, we are getting better agricultural products. So, the question can arise: Does social media play any role regarding all these mentioned sectors? The answer is yes, because all those things mentioned in this article are spreading worldwide because of social media, and that is what connectivity is all about: spreading a positive vibe around the globe.
Though there are some negative impacts of technology, let us not speak about them but instead think of the endless opportunity that is created because of technology and how we can change the world together with this incredible power. As Albert Einstein once said, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. So let’s spread together and change the world because we are all now connected together to make history.
Tehzeeb Sanam Ashiq
Uttara University