The Mighty Force Within Us

Life, oh life, a mighty force A symphony of joy and remorse A rollercoaster of highs and lows A journey that only the brave knows With every step, a lesson to learn A chance to grow, a bridge to burn A test of strength, a call to rise A chance to shine, a chance to surprise In life, we face obstacles and pain But we rise again and again We fight for what we believe We strive to achieve and to leave A legacy that will outlast us all A story that will never stall For life is a canvas to paint A chance to love and to create So, stand tall and be proud Live your life, say it loud For in this moment, you have power To make the world brighter, to make it flower Life, oh life, a force to reckon A journey that never beckons But we march on, with heads held high For life is a beautiful, powerful, and wondrous ride.

Author Details :

Md. Wali Ullah ​Bonwary Lal Govt. High SSC candidate-2023

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